Every Good Deed, A Brighter Future
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Mission, Vision & Values


The EVKAF UKRAINE is dedicated to preserving and promoting Islamic cultural heritage and values while enhancing the quality of life in our community through strategic funding and support of educational, cultural, and social initiatives. Our mission is to empower individuals and organizations by providing sustainable financial resources that foster innovation, promote lifelong learning, and celebrate our shared history.


We strive to create a lasting impact by:

  1. 1. Preserving Islamic Cultural Heritage and Values: Supporting projects and initiatives that protect and celebrate the diverse cultural histories, traditions, and arts of our community.

  2. 2. Investing in Education: Providing scholarships and funding for educational programs that promote understanding and appreciation of Islamic cultural heritage and values.

  3. 3. Promoting the Arts: Funding Islamic cultural initiatives that enrich our community's artistic landscape, showcasing local talent and diverse artistic expressions.

  4. 4. Strengthening Communities: Collaborating with local organizations to address pressing social issues and promote well-being for all residents while honoring their Islamic cultural and value backgrounds.

  5. 5. Encouraging Philanthropy: Inspiring a culture of giving that ensures the long-term sustainability of our programs and initiatives, including those focused on Islamic cultural and value preservation.

Through responsible stewardship of our endowment, we aim to leave a legacy of positive change, ensuring that future generations can cherish and learn from the rich tapestry of our culture